Ideas for Project Insights

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The interval for update should be every day.

It seems to me that activities is reported less frequently as times goes by in a project. It starts with daily uppdates and after some time the updates is done just weekly. Normally, the most intense and important time occurs at the end of the project and the most logical should be that at least the last month has daily updates.

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  • Rimantas Varanavicius commented
    September 04, 2020 12:40

    Technically – yes, no problem.

    From business perspective – raises additional questions. Bentley pays for Microsoft Azure resources for every reprocessing. So more frequent reprocessing would require Bentley users to purchase a more expensive license too. Question - is that additional cost to you and us has a justifiable business value that could be quantified. What user workflow do you think a more frequent update/recalculation could help improve? What would be the specific added benefits/value? Who would be the target users and what decisions would it help them make?


  • Brandon Kroth commented
    September 04, 2020 11:35

    Hi Rimantas, Would you be able to program a button so we can request a pull of the data so it's more to the minute, instead of hours.

  • Rimantas Varanavicius commented
    September 04, 2020 11:02

    Hi Sean,

    The changes are sent from Design Integration and Deliverables Management services to Project Insights soon after the change happens. Project Insights reprocess data 3 times per day (roughly every 8 hours). Even if you see data in the chart per day/week/month - keep in mind that dashboards are refreshed much more often.

    At the bottom of the Project Insights dashboard page you may see info when the data was last reprocessed and dashboard refreshed: "Report updated2 hours ago"

    If we send notifications too users - there's a risk we might spam them. I understand that it might help to educate/inform users better, but maybe we could train them on the go? Or display some tooltip next the last refresh time explaining how it works? Would it help? Do you have some other ideas?



  • Sean Donegan commented
    September 04, 2020 09:09

    Hi Rimantas,

    Thank you for your response.

    The timeframe function in Project Insights is very useful, but I think some sort of update notification would prove to be an invaluable addition, since users will know when new data can be viewed.

    The challenge is that Project Insights is always playing "catch-up" with ProjectWise, and projects are rarely static, so it's knowing how "live" that data in Project Insights is.



  • Rimantas Varanavicius commented
    September 03, 2020 15:34

    Hello All,

    My name is Rimantas Varanavicius. I'm product manager for Project Insights.

    Thank you for your feedback and ideas. Regarding request to show more granular data for the last month of a project – this is currently being implemented. We expect to be able to release it in a couple of weeks. Now the granularity of the data on the chart will depend on the timeframe selected. If project has lasted for a couple years and all project duration is selected – you’ll see data by month. If only last month is selected – you’ll see data by day. So it will depend on the timeframe filter selection. Do you think this will help address your requests?



  • Brandon Kroth commented
    August 29, 2020 16:23

    Per Sean's comment, YES! We have the need for live data, even to the minute. This would help us greatly.

  • Anders Gundhe commented
    August 12, 2020 11:44

    Yes, sometimes it would be useful the last days before a delivery but in most cases once a day is enough. Maybe an update button that triggers a data collection from PW could be added?

  • Sean Donegan commented
    July 17, 2020 17:18

    Is anyone aware of any need for Project Insights to report on live data? Given that Project Insights normally updates 3 or 4 times over a 24 hour period, this may be a challenge for those under sudden pressure to offer a current status of all activities, particularly when a file(s) is loaded or changed in ProjectWise. There could be a pressing deadline on the project, and a desire to see those changes made in ProjectWise, immediately reflected on the dashboards in Project Insights. Alternatively, an unexpected change to the project in ProjectWise could signal an immediate review in Project Insights.