Ideas for Project Insights

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Select multiple projects in PBI Project insights

For proper comparison and analytics, we'd like to compare projects by being able to select more than 1 project_id at a time in Project Insights and in the PowerBI file listed here:

If not using the sample report, in the link above, we also tried to determine an ETL process to retrieve the data via API calls.

We tried to:

1. Extract Project Data with the APIs (please see service now ticket CS0108498 for context), most of our projects are Endeavor class projects, which iTwins API does not support.

These calls were not sufficient enough to match the above PowerBI report (from link above)

2. Enter a list of project ids in the pbix input. (eg: (130axx-60fe-41xxx-axx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, 5b0f9d08-xxx-4xxx5-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxx)

Barring an update to the APIs to support Endeavor Class projects, our suggestion is to allow for multiple projects to be returned in the Project Insignts PowerBI Connector.

  • Guest
  • Dec 4 2023
  • Attach files
  • Maulik Pancholi commented
    10 Sep 05:13

    Maybe you can map multiple projects to one cloud project and then you can utilize all projects via one cloud projects.